Ideology begets idolatry. And idolatry begets religion. Our Father, and our Lord do not even desire that of us towards them. God made that clear with the golden calf. Ex 32:4-5.
The calf, was not made as some random idol, who they attributed their freedom. It was made to represent Jehovah/Yahweh, but it most certainly fell short of who God is, and how He chooses to reveal Himself to us.
God is in the business of Love, and relationship. Anything that we partner with in our hearts/mind/spirit, any institution, or organization that does not hold and perpetuate that Truth, is not of the Father, the Son, or Holy Spirit. Jesus made this clear, John 15:15-17.
We are ambassodors, friends, children, and BELOVED. gods, only have servants and slaves. We were never made to exert authority over one another...NEVER. We were made to be in relationship with the Father. And through love, honor, respect, would flow the "greatest command", organically. Father made this clear from the beginning, but explicit in 1 Sam 8. What's done is done though, and we are called to Romans 13. Though let us remember....REMEMBER....who we are.Â