Are you a well or spring? Are you one where another can draw out Truth and Life? Do they become encouraged, energized, comforted, or illuminated after interacting with you? Are you a tree of Heaven bearing His fruit? Soothing as the olive, rich as the pomegranate, or treasured as the fig? Are you refreshing, invigorating, for the one who comes for respite? Do you leave others full, satisfied, when they come famished and starved for Heaven's nourishment?
Examine yourselves today. Be good soil (Matt13:23). May you be found bountiful, and Heaven's fruit ripe. Seek the everlasting spring, so that you may in turn be full to overflowing (John 4:14). We were made to bring Life! Not only by our bodies, our flesh. Also too, through our union-oneness-harmony in spirit, with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:18-22, 4:2-6).
Examine yourself. Be Blessed.